Resume Rebrand Repositioning

The Great Resignation and Covid-19 have upended how we do everything.  Now is your time to engage your brilliance and discover the satisfaction and fulfillment that comes with aligning your career with your gifts and expertise. Women are leaving their jobs in droves.

Entrepreneurship is on the rise. Freelance consulting is a new normal.

Like many of my clients, it may be time for you to rethink your unique value proposition and ensure your resume speaks to the truth of your brilliance!

You're not just an employee. You're a personal brand. Not sure what that is about? I’ve written about it HERE and HERE.

As a brand, you need to ensure you’re positioned for success.

I work with professional women in all industries to help them identify their hidden strengths, create their unique brand blueprint, and craft a career mission statement that makes them stand out.

This is where my Resume Rebrand Repositioning service comes in. This is for you if:

  • You’re at a career crossroads

  • Your resume is needed for more than just applying for a job

  • You need a way to highlight your brilliance and unique value proposition

  • You want to showcase YOU and not your job titles

  • You want to change the narrative of what makes you qualified in your arena

  • You want a personal branding tool to leverage as a leader, consultant, entrepreneur, creative, or influencer

  • You're an innovator, disrupter, a "color outside the liner"

  • There are gaps or perceived inconsistencies in your work history


“Natalie has a unique skill of being able to see the whole picture while also appreciating the details. Personally, I have relied on Natalie because I respect her opinion and admire her insight. She takes an analytical, consultative approach in all that she does. She listens to her clients but also has the confidence to tell them when she sees a different approach. She is responsive, client-focused, and is uncompromising in her standards. You can count on Natalie to give you the attention you deserve while providing her unique brand of guidance.”

- Sandra L. Bauman, Ph.D. Principal Bauman Research & Consulting

My Resume Rebrand Repositioning Service:

Unearths the strengths you have buried and the expertise you’ve downplayed to craft a stellar unique value proposition


Refines your professional image to help you communicate your brilliance and articulate your value


Re-crafts your resume so it promotes your unique brand identity and the value you bring to an enterprise


Helps you identify your career, brand and business blind spots

Is anchored in your signature strengths


Allows you to decide what you want to highlight in your experience


Does not follow the typical chronological format


Is based on focused coaching we will do together to get at the heart of your brilliance


Natalie helped me discover my unique brand identity which allowed me to fine-tune my messaging and revamp my website so that it represented the heart and soul of who I am. Her time and commitment in ensuring I ended up with a brand, positioning statement, tagline, and website authentic to who I am as an artist went above and beyond my expectations. The final product exceeded my expectations!”

- Bryn Moore, Bryn Moore Music

Resume Rebrand helps you to showcase your unique brilliance. This IS the service you want to leverage to document your skills, strengths, and superpowers.

I know you are exceptional at what you do. And I know you want to present the most excellent version of yourself to prospective employers, boards, organizations, and institutions.

If you’re looking to move up the ranks, change roles, launch a new venture, or are in the midst of determining your next steps professionally, let’s talk!